Imagine two players playing a game in which either can choose to cooperate or act selfishly. If both cooperate, they each get 3000. If both act selfishly, they each get 1000. If one cooperates and the other acts selfishly, the selfish one gets 4000 and the cooperative one gets 0. Note that for each player (A), regardless of what the other player (B) does, A makes 1000 more by acting selfishly than by cooperating. For that reason, the only equilibrium point of the game is the one in which both act selfishly. The result is that both end up with 1000 rather than 3000. Obviously, this is not optimal for either one. (Formally, we say that this result is not Pareto optimal, i.e., there are solutions in which both players can do better.) If the players could negotiate an agreement and trust that such an agreement would be enforced (say, by a third party), then they obviously could do better.
Now let's imagine that there is no third party enforcer but rather the same players are doomed to play the same game over and over again. It turns out that in this scenario, cooperative behavior is self-reinforcing, since a player is prevented from acting selfishly by the threat that the other player will react to selfish behavior by acting selfishly himself in subsequent games. Thus, in repeated games, players will ultimately cooperate even without an enforcer.
There is, however, one limitation to this self-reinforcement. Players must value profits in the future almost as much as profits now. If they don't, the threat of future losses as punishment for short-term profits is an inadequate threat. Aumann repeated at least three times that the practical consequence of this is that those who place too high a premium on peace now will delay peace indefinitely, while those who establish a credible threat of retaliation have a chance to achieve peace sooner.
Oznake: Razno
Gospodin reče Mojsiju: (2) "Kaži Izraelcima: 'Kad koja žena zatrudni i rodi muško čedo, neka je nečista sedam dana, kako je nečista u vrijeme svoga mjesečnog pranja. (3) Osmoga dana neka se dijete obreže. (4) A ona neka ostane još trideset i tri dana da se očisti od svoje krvi; ne smije dirati ništa posvećeno niti dolaziti u Svetište dok se ne navrši vrijeme njezina čišćenja. (5) Ako rodi žensko čedo, neka je nečista dva tjedna, kao za svoga mjesečnog pranja, i neka ostane još šezdeset i šest dana da se očisti od svoje krvi. (6) A kad se navrši vrijeme njezina čišćenja - bilo za sinčića, bilo za kćerkicu - neka donese svećeniku na ulaz u Šator sastanka jednogodišnje janje za žrtvu paljenicu i jednoga golubića ili grlicu za žrtvu okajnicu
Tumah is the result of our confrontation with the fact of our own mortality. It is the going down into darkness. Taharah is the result of our reaffirmation of our own immortality. It is the reentry into light. Tumah is devil or frightening only when there is no further life. Otherwise, tumah is simply part of the human cycle. To be tameh is not wrong or bad. Often it is necessary and sometimes it is mandatory. Judaism precisely because the Torah is revered as divine, it becomes susceptible to unending interpretation. It would be a denigration of God's word to saddle it with just a single meaning.
Oznake: Židovstvo
By experiencing how the implacable resolve of these men to succeed in their mission slowly gave way to troubling doubts about what they were doing, I think we can learn something important about the tragic standoff we find ourselves in today.No, možemo li doista? Iako je film inspiriran stvarnim događajima, film prenosi vrlo utjecajnu teoriju o terorizmu, koja nema previše doticaja s realnošću ove priče.
Whatever it took, whatever it takes, we have a place on earth at last.Golda Meir pokazuje svoj vlastiti nedostatak percepcije, kada osniva ovu Mossadovu ekipu:
I don't know who these maniacs are,kaže Golda o teroristima iz Muenchena.
The numbers show a steep slide in the frequency of terror attacks against Israelis and Israeli institutions abroad from 1974 to the present.
Oznake: Razno
10 Kad odeš u rat na svoje neprijatelje pa ih HaShem, Bog tvoj, preda u ruke tvoje te ih zarobiš, 11 ako među zarobljenicima opaziš lijepu ženu i u nju se zagledaš, možeš je uzeti za ženu. 12 Dovedi je svojoj kući pa neka obrije glavu, obreže nokte 13 i odbaci haljine u kojima je zarobljena. Neka provede mjesec dana u tvome domu oplakujući svoga oca i svoju majku. Poslije toga možeš joj pristupiti kao muž i neka ti postane ženom. 14 Ako ti poslije ne bi bila po volji, pusti je kuda joj drago. Za novac je ne smiješ prodati niti s njom postupiti kao s ropkinjom jer ti je bila žena.
Poslije toga možeš joj pristupiti kao muž i neka ti postane ženom.Dakle, prema biblijskom tekstu jasno je naznačeno da je seksualni odnos dozvoljen tek nakon svim rituala.
you desire her, and you want to take her as a wife, then you shall bring her to your home, but you must not "oppress" her (yelahatsenah) on the battlefield.(lahatz se u Bibliji koristi kroz opise različite opresije - Shemot 3:9, Shoftim 4:3 te na nekim drugim mjestima)
dovedi je svojoj kućislažu s Talmud Bavlijem.
It would seem from this analogy that she is accorded the same legal rights as a Jewish wife.(Sifrei pisqa 214 6) Finkelstein kaže da se ova tvrdnja ne spominje u svim rukopisima Sifrei te da je očito da Rambam, a ni Ramban nemaju pristup ovoj tvrdnji.
Oznake: Židovstvo
Oznake: Židovstvo, חגים/Blagdani
Oznake: Antisemitizam
A response to a response doesn't really solve anything. It just creates a perpetual motion machine...izjavio je, tom prilikom, Spielberg. Glavni je problem, zaključio je Spielberg je odbijanje kompromisa, odnosno neodustajanje od svoje ekstremne pozicije.
...There's been a quagmire of blood for blood for many decades in that region. Where does it end?
The only thing that's going to solve this is rational minds, a lot of sitting down and talking until you're blue in the gills.
Oznake: Razno
Oznake: Antisemitizam